This was our ‘one year anniversary’ visit to the world’s largest off-road exhibition. We had been in Bad Kissingen in May 2016 and shortly after made our decision to have our cabin built by KRUGXP.
Very different compared to our first visit – this time we were arriving in our own truck, overnighting on the campground instead of a hotel. An evolution from dreaming about your own truck and seeing all these cool trucks the year before, to actually sleeping and living and cooking in our own truck during this event. KRUGXP had fixed all the remaining issues that we discovered during our first handover with them. They delivered on time – last minute, actually the engine was still warm from the Ukraine transfer when we picked up Guhonda beginning of May at EXCAP a second time. The motorbike rack was not ready yet and so we were driving around with a ‘naked’ back.
The outdoor kitchen was still missing and the entire KRUGXP team showed up with a case of beer and installed it as promised, surrounded by of a lot of curious bystanders.

We bought a lot of basic equipment, like camping chairs, camping table, utensils, food and of course german beer, to be able to ‘survive’ for a week. Rather that just being visitors to the exhibition as the year before, we experienced the community of people with similar interests. We were lucky that Joerg, who we did not know before had reserved a couple of square inches of grass to allow squeezing Guhonda into the herd of other STEYRs for us. There was not one square inch left on the dedicated campground and new arrivals had to find spots on another overflow camp area.

So we got immediately ‘assimilated’ into the off-road-community and met a lot of nice and interesting people from around the world. What a way to start our first trip with the new truck – sitting around a campfire, having BBQ, listening to travel stories and learning a lot from seasoned expedition travelers.

Hello Dirk & Emily,
Nice that I found you on internet , now i’ve got your webpage !
We where the Familly with the Blue old Magirus, nice you used the picture I made from the roof of my truck, when the are installing the ,,outside” kitchen.
I hope you are both going well !
We keep in contact !
Greeting from us,
The duth from the Blue Magirus,
Stephan, Willy & Lara Sieraal
Achterveld Holland
Hello SteWiLa !!
Good to hear from you!
I hope I don;t get into Copyright trouble for using your photo 🙂 –
It was was the best perspective from the top of your Magirus.
Happy Holidays to the three of you!
Dirk & Emily